What people say!
Pam Smith, October 2020
Online class
Been doing this class for the last few weeks as needed to build up support for my knee after injury and confidence in my ability to get back to using my knee but recognize limitations.
This class is great for anyone recovering from injury, suffering from arthritis and other diseases affecting mobility. You do what you can. After a few weeks, I feel my balance is improved, and while it’s not hardcore exercise you do know you’ve exercised and do get your heart rate going. Highly recommend. Online in your own home so don’t need to worry that everyone is looking at you. Give it a try.
Hilda McBain, October 2020
I count myself lucky to reach the age of 71, without having serious health issues. Painful yes, serious no.Daily drugs to take, no.
But In July of this year. I was persuaded to take blood-thinning drugs daily as I have Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PAF). This is preventative medication because of PAF. I also have lots of joint problems. However......... 2018 I misjudged steps at my front door, and fell. Had nothing in my right hand, luckily, but in left hand was 4 pint plastic bottle of milk and my handbag over my arm. Right hand saved me from my face hitting step, step did however made contact with my forehead. Unfortunately my other arm took the weight of my bag etc. Was taken to health center, saw nurse and Dr, sent to A&E was xrayed etc and was informed had pulled tendons. Each time went to GP was told Inflammation in tendons take time to heal. December of that year saw sympathetic GP and referred for ultra scan. Got that late January which showed I had 3 tendon tears and my bicep muscle had no support. Hence all the pain and inability to do a lot with my arm.
Enough waffling...... the reason I am telling you this Elma is..... since the above accident I have issues with my left arm. Two things in particular is most annoying...... before I started your Paracise class, I could not reach a patch of my hair on the back of my head to dry my hair....... and now I can..... WOW.......2 and a bit years later/and only 3 Paracise Classes. The second annoying thing was resolved today ............. I managed to wash under my right armpit without bicep muscle going into spasm. Still find it difficult to put jacket or cardigan, taking off tops and t shirts sometimes send muscle into spasm and my tops still get stuck under my arm.
Am working on the “waves” and “waiter” part as they are proving to be a bit difficult, but will get there. Very early days yet.
The thing with Paracise is, you don’t realise you are working all your joints. No floor exercise. No jumping about. Nothing wrong with physio exercises, except it is focusing on one area only, in my opinion, and that seems like a chore....... oh me better do my exercises!!! .........Paracise is part of a group, you focus also on the music..... great. Works for me. And I find it very enjoyable. Doesn’t feel like a chore.
Being able to see you and follow you on Zoom is just grand Elma. Thank you.
Marie Milton 16 July 2020
Line Dance
Line dancing during lockdown has given me a bit of normality, keeping me ‘in touch’ with other dancers.
It has helped me mentally having something to look forward to and dancing is always fun and enjoyable. Of course, it helps my fitness and balance too, couldn’t have survived without it.
Maxine Lumsden, 15 July 2020
Any Class
I would definitely recommend any of Elma’s classes, not just because she is a great teacher and the classes are fun but because any of them can improve your balance and co-ordination.
I have a neurological disorder that left me with such bad balance and co-ordination problems that I never thought would ever improve but in doing these classes I have improved considerably.
When I first started the classes I gave up on each of them as I felt I was rubbish and would never improve. I then went back after 6 months or so and instead of feeling embarrassed about my lack of co-ordination and balance I just thought “why not” as whatever I get out of them is better than doing nothing. I also realised that there was no need to be embarrassed at all as everyone is just concentrating on doing their own thing and nobody is judging you.
I am so glad I did go back as now I am not just fitter with improved balance and co-ordination but actually found I loved line dancing. I now do Fitsteps as well and am loving that just as much. I am also doing powerhoop and trying Zumba both online at the moment and enjoying both.
Ann Robertson, 1 July 2020
Fitness Classes
Since the lockdown, I have been working from home. I was feeling unfit and joined your fitness classes. Your classes are really good and you always give a fantastic workout. Since starting your classes my fitness levels have doubled. Your classes are fantastic and my fitness levels are far better than they were.
Pauline Lamont, 21 June 2020
Online Classes
Elma's online classes have been a total lifesaver during these lockdown weeks. I have enjoyed line dancing, fitsteps, Powerhoop and body conditioning exercises resulting in improved balance and posture - all carried out under Elma's expert tuition. Looking forward to some on-line classes continuing.
Joan Stewart, 18 June 2020
Multiple Classes
I have known Elma for a lot of years and what a joy she truly is. Used to go to her line dance classes in Aberdeen and various social evenings. Roll on years later to this awful pandemic. Have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in Zoom classes for the past few months. Zumba and line dancing I have done before but the new one for me was Fitsteps. What a buzz I get from this. Just gives me such a happy feeling. Look forward to it every week. I would highly recommend if you haven't tried any of the classes that you do. You will feel amazing. ❤
Gillie Dongworth, 1 June 2020
Multiple Classes
Gillie Dongworth 1st June 2020 I joined Elma’s beginners line dancing last year. She has so much patience (just as well) and explains clearly & patiently all the steps and often giving options making it fun and always with great music. New to me during lockdown is Elma’s FitSteps, Zumba & Power Hoop classes, I’m thoroughly enjoying them all. Elma’s enthusiasm is so infectious, I’d definitely recommend her classes. Also good for all ages as she always gives higher & lower options.
Samantha Noble, 25 Januar 2019
Line Dance Party
As I was hosting a surprise country and western themed party for my husbands 50 th birthday I had the idea of doing a wee line dance with a few of my mates.
As I was hosting a surprise country and western themed party for my husbands 50th birthday I had the idea of doing a wee line dance with a few of my mates.
We chose Elma as I knew her from Zumba classes and she was local to me. How she managed to get the 6 of us in a straight line is a miracle. She was very flexible with our schedule and put us at ease with the routine.
I would highly Recommend Elma for dance tuition. We had a FAB time xx
Maxine Lumsden, 4 December 2018
Line Dance Party
I would highly recommend Elma for fitness and dance. She is a great teacher who is also very patient, encouraging and highly motivational and just a lovely down to earth lady.
Alana Wright, 4 November 2018
First Dance
Me and my husband had a lesson with Elma to practice for our first dance for our wedding.
Elma was such a lovely lady and a great instructor, we had the best time!! Although we ran out of time to practice we still used some of the dance moves that we learned which was great as meant we weren’t just swaying back and forth during our first dance.
Would definitely recommend!! Thank you so much for helping us out!!
Half Monty Dance in Aid of Breast Cancer, 24 August 2018
Dance Choreography
From a small seed, huge acorns grow.
I approached Elma in April of this year to ask if she would be willing to choreograph a dance routine for a charity event in aid of breast cancer now. Elma didn't hesitate to help us out. Taking time out of her busy schedule she thoughtfully made up an amazing routine and came along to all our practices with friendliness, a huge amount of patience and great laughs.
The event was an outstanding success with everyone commenting on how good we were. We raised a fantastic amount of £2030 for breast cancer now. We are and were so grateful for Elmas help... It would have been nothing without her. Thank you Elma. XxxLana & Megan, winner of the Ultra Ballroom, April 2018
Ballroom Dance
This was the winners of the Ultra Ballroom in April 2018.
Learning to jive with Elma through Ultra Ballroom was such an amazing experience!Elma was a brilliant teacher she looks like she loves every minute of it! She was great at breaking all the steps down, being very patient and putting finishing touches to our final routine. I met so many lovely new people through the classes and it was a really relaxed environment to learn in where everyone was so encouraging of each other to improve. I’m gutted it’s all over!
Lana Laing & Megan Rendall
Rebecca & Robert, Married 12 August 2017
First Dance
Dreading doing an awkward shuffle for our first dance we contacted Elma with only a song in mind and the idea that we wanted to do something fun and surprise our friends and family on our Wedding Day. Elma created a fun dance routine that was achievable in the time we had and we had so much fun at lessons and practicing at home. She put so much effort in to helping us perfect our routine. We would highly recommend Elma no matter what level of dancing experience you have.
Robert and Rebecca
Ballroom Ultra Students
Ballroom Dance
When we signed up for Ballroom Ultra, we thought it would be laugh but it ended up so much more. Not only did we meet some amazing people, the level of dance training was fantastic: Elma was so patient and full of encouragement.
It was hard work and it paid off. We could not believe it when we won. We would encourage anyone to sign up for this great challenge and learn to dance.
A huge thank you to Elma.
Adam and Michelle Byrne
Second week at Zumba for Jeannie
Flailing limbs in double time
And trying not to giggle
I upped my game at Zumba class
And let my booty wiggle
An Ode on the Morning after the Zumba the Night Before
I used to go line dancing
And it really was a hoot
With grapevines and a sashay
In an upturned cowboy boot
But numbers sadly dwindled
And the class has given way
To the more high impact Zumba
Help ma boab, is all I’ll say
Dolly Parton was forgotten -
Pulsating drum beats in ma heid
And we were off and galloping
Like Bollywood on speed
Now hand eye coordination is a skill
I’ve yet to learn
So I waved my arms in double time
And sure did feel the burn
But I had no inkling of the pain
That today would surely come
As I got down low and jiggled
And tried wiggling my bum
My pelvic floor vibrated
And gyrated with the rest
But I’m not sure that my sports bra
Really stood up to the test
This morning as I made a move
To roll out of my pit
I found new groups of muscles
As they throbbed a little bit
So I long for gentle grapevines
And some loud Shania Twain
Though as my husband tells me
The saying is "no pain, no gain"
Second week at Zumba for Jeannie.
Ode after the Class the Night Before:
Flailing limbs in double time
And trying not to giggle
I upped my game at Zumba class
And let my booty wiggle
I shook bits here and shook bits there
And to my consternation
Discovered there were bits of me
That moved in isolation
Shakira’s song “my hips don’t lie”
Was playing in my head
As this morning I reluctantly
Tried rolling out of bed
Perhaps I wasn’t built for speed
I’ve never been that sporty
Unless it will get easier
With some WD40?
by Jeannie Price
Adele & Phil, Married 29 December 2017
First Dance
Our day went very well thanks. The dance was fine but I had problems moving backwards with my dress! We don't have all the wedding pics from susan Renee yet but as soon as I do I'll post one of us dancing on your page! In the meantime here's us in our winter wonderland!
Thanks again.
Birthday surprise dance instructing 11 May 2017
Birthday Party
Just want to say a big thank you for doing such a great job on Saturday. Everyone had so much fun! My daughters loved being on the stage with you too! Your time and effort was greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Laura.
Hen Party, 4 February 2017, Carmelite Hotel, Aberdeen
Birthday Party
Just want to say a big thank you for doing such a great job on Saturday. Everyone had so much fun! My daughters loved being on the stage with you too! Your time and effort was greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Laura.
May 2016 - An Unforgettable Night of Dance
Dance Party
Wow wow wow......What a fabulous night last night at An Unforgettable Night of Dance. A massive thank you to everyone that joined in with the party and made it the night it was. Kevin and Karen professional dancers from Strictly you were both fabulous it was a pleasure to meet and work with you both thank you very much for coming to Aberdeen. I would also like to thank the dancers who came along and helped make the night Bonnie-Leigh Wilsonand Katie Mclean, Andrada Dragoescu and Marius, Daniel Gavião Dance for bringing along the Mininas Magdalena Handkowska. Thank you to Marisha Addison and Jim for playing and getting the dancers on the floor and to George Sim my compare for the night and Linda Mitchell for helping at the door everyone did a sterling job It will most definitely be a night to remember and lots have been asking when i am doing it all again, well I will confirm that very soon so you can put the date in your diaries.
Thank you x
An amazing night!!
Dance Party
What an amazing night!! Great friends. Amazing displays of dance.
Amazing evening
Dance Party
Many thanks from the Legdon table for an amazing evening. We enjoyed every minute. Well done you for pulling it off. When's the next Ruth? Lol
Wonderful evening
Dance Party
Thank you Elma for a wonderful evening. Had a brilliant time all the dancers were lovely to watch and it was nice to see the different styles. Karen and Kevin were just amazing . Please book my table for next year.
Tina xxx
Unforgettable dancing!
Dance Party
Thank you Elma for a truly wonderful night of Unforgettable Dancing! It was a fantastic evening, all the dancers were amazing & Karen & Kevin were outstanding. Your organisational skills are a talent in themselves. Hope you relaxed today! Xx
Jennifer with Ruth Legdon and Caroline Milne.
A special evening
Dance Party
Well - what a fantastic evening last night! We can't tell you enough how much we all enjoyed it. Such a lovely mix of entertainment and dancing and of course Kevin and Karen were just out of this world. That Rhumba was breathtaking. So, on behalf of our friends and us, thank you and well done for organising such a special evening.
Isabel & Edwin xx
Brilliant - the best event we've been to. Karen and Kevin were superb, very touching and very personal.
Well Done and Thanks
Hywel and Dayle
Alli & Martin 31 October 2015
First Dance
Elma helped us with our first dance for our wedding. All I can say is you have the patience of a saint Elma! You came up with some fantastic moves and knew exactly what we wanted & what fitted our music perfectly. Thank you so much. I will definitely recommend you to other couples looking for the same help! xx
Allison & Cameron 22 August 2015
First Dance
Our first dance went really well! A few drinks helped keep any nerves at bay.
None of our guests were expecting us to do a proper dance so it was a lovely surprise for them on the night. Everyone seemed very surprised that we had learned that with you in just two lessons and even more surprised that I had managed to get Cameron to go to a lesson in the first place!
We would definitely recommend dance lessons with you to our friends as you were so friendly and very good at what you do, managing to get someone like me who has two left feet to do a choreographed dance is amazing and especially in only two hours of lessons with you! It is also amazing how quickly and easily you can come up with a dance to go with any given song!
Chris & Victoria, Married 15 September 2015
First Dance
After watching an amazing first dance routine at a friend's wedding, we asked for Elma's contact details in the hope that she could help us prepare a dance for our big day. We had 4 sessions with Elma in total, and thoroughly enjoyed each one. She was extremely patient with us as its fair to say neither of us are natural dancers! We were really pleased with the final dance routine to the Waterboys' version of 'How Long Will I Love You'. It was simple which was exactly what we wanted, as the nerves and the big wedding dress added a bit of a challenge on the day. However the outcome was very effective, and its fair to say the crowd went wild!
A big thanks to Elma, we can't recommend her highly enough.
Chris and Victoria White.
Elaine & Mary, Married 7 February 2015
First Dance
Myself and Mary would like to say a huge thank you for all your help and support in arranging our first dance with us. We truly both have 2 left feet but with your help we managed to pull off a great performance and even surprised ourselves.You have a lot of patience as we were not the easiest to teach but you helped us not make a total embarrassment of ourselves, so huge thanks from us both.
Elaine & Mary Robb
Carly & Charles, Married May 2015
First Dance
Our wedding was amazing and the best day of our lives! Everything went perfect, including our first dance! We practiced a fair bit leading up to the wedding and felt confident so you will be pleased to know we mastered every move.
Thainstone Events
Line Dance
Elma’s line dancing lessons were brilliant at the Thainstone Summer Hoedown, she had the dance floor packed and everyone had a great time learning the routines. I have already rebooked her for 2016!
Yvette Harrison Event Manager, Thainstone Events
Fiona & Keith, Married April 2015
First Dance
The dance went really really well: we had done a lot of practising at home and had it down to a tee, so the actual event went pretty much like a dream. Thank you so much for your input and patience: you gave us a lot of confidence as either of us had done much formal dancing before, and it meant that we weren't at all nervous at the evening reception. We have some photos which I can get Keith to post on your website and if we find that anyone has video footage we will definitely post that too. The wedding day was absolutely perfect: everything went smoothly and Keith and I both relaxed and enjoyed it rather than fretting about silly details! Thank you again for all your help. Please keep us posted when you are next running a social dancing course as we enjoyed it much more than we thought we would, and would be keen to improve our skills. Hope all well with you and the family.
Fiona and Keith
Suzy and Mark, Married 11 October 2014
First Dance
I hope you are well. Just wanted to say thank you again for all your help with Mark and my first dance. We both really enjoyed learning and doing it for real on our wedding day. I think it went down quite well. I will send the video from one of our guests through messages as it's too long to send via email. Thank you again and hopefully will try and get along to one of your dance lessons soon.
Suzy and Mark x
Charleston Hen Party 17 May 2014, The Carmelite Bar and Grill
Hen Party
Heathers Hen party at The Carmelite Bar and Grill on Saturday the 17th May.
Dirty dancing Hen Party 10 May, The Carmelite Bar and Grill
Hen Party
Fun Henny on Saturday with Stephanie Forrest, Jenny,Leanne,Eilidh also
family and friends.Jess & Alex, Married May 2014
First Dance
We found Elma online when looking for a dance instructor to help us with our first dance. Like a lot of couples, we didn't want to be rooted to the spot, swaying back and forth in a dull and lifeless fashion, however, neither of us are particularly confident dancers. This did not make a difference to Elma!! From our initial meeting, right through to the final lesson, Elma remained friendly, approachable and willing to help us create a dance we wanted and felt comfortable with. After we told Elma what song we were wanting, she devised a simple, yet romantic routine for us to perform. Elma remained patient with us throughout all the lessons, and her easy going, likeable approach helped dispel any nerves very quickly. We were allowed an input on the routine and any proposed changes that she wanted to make, but Elma did not try to force any elements onto us that we were not comfortable with - after all, she made it very clear that it was OUR first dance! A true professional to the end, Elma did not try to make us book un-needed lessons in a bid for more money, and only asked to see us for a half lesson as we drew closer to the big day, in order to make sure we were happy with the finished article. She also worked her schedule around to suit us, which was a huge benefit given that we both work shifts, and getting time off together was complicated enough!
Elma, you made our first dance something to cherish, not fear and for that we will be forever grateful.
Rosie & Kevin, Married 16 May 2014
First Dance
We would like to thank you so much for your hard work with us during the lessons we had and to make our dance very special and perfect, you did a great job - it just wouldn't have been the same at all if we hadn't gone to lessons with you! It was a big surprise to all of our guests including our parents (they didn't even know we had gone to lessons!) and they all loved it.
One of my friends said the next day that she had a fantastic time at our wedding and her favourite part was our first dance!! We also thoroughly enjoyed doing it and practising it beforehand too. Think it was just the pressure in front of everyone that made us muck up one bit but people said they didn't even notice :)
Fiona & Scott, Married 9 November 2013
First Dance
We were too nervous to do it at the start of the night so we waited until after the stovies break. It went down a storm, Scott's Dad had just given an impromptu speech which we weren't expecting (and was hilarious) so when Scott started wandering round the dance floor everyone thought I didn't know about that either (apparently I did a brilliant bewildered expression!).
We are so grateful to you, you were very patient with us and if we do manage to get someone with some dance footage we will forward it to you asap.
Dean & Sonia, Married 10 June 2014
First Dance
Our wedding was a great success and we managed to perform our routine without any mistakes. Thank you very much for your help and patience with us, it was very much appreciated. Over our 6 weeks of lessons, Elma helped us to perfect our first dance as a married couple. Throughout the lessons Elma took us through the basic steps of our dance before going on to perfect the movements. Elma was patient, reliable and enthusiastic throughout the whole process making it a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
I'll send through a photo once I get them back from the photographer.
Kind Regards, Dean & Sonia
Kay and Andy, Married March 2014
First Dance
When researching online for dancing instructors and choreographers, we came across Elma Robertson at Elma Events. She has a section on her website dedicated to First Dances. This was exactly what we were looking for! We definitely did not want to look silly and bore our wedding guests doing our speciality ‘the foot shuffling sway’. From the moment we got engaged we knew that having dancing lessons for our first dance was a requirement. Neither of us are gifted dancers, uncoordinated and clumsy best described us before we had our dancing lessons with Elma.
During the lessons Elma was so encouraging and reassuring that our nerves soon dwindled as did our sway. Before we knew it we were actually dancing, and really well! Elma was so enthusiastic and her ideas were perfect with our first dance song. She really made our first dance experience an enjoyable and memorable one, and our guests are still complementing our dance routine!
Kind Regards , Kay RossKaren and Steve, Married 28 February 2014
First Dance
I first saw Elma on LinkedIn and as we really wanted to be able to do more than just move around the dance floor for our first dance, Elma seemed the ideal choice for us. We met with Elma and after our first lesson we were dancing!! Elma recorded us dancing our routine and we went home and practiced, we had another two lessons with Elma and we were delighted with the final choreographed routine. Then came the big day, the first dance was a resounding success with lots of whooping and cheering from our guests, it got our wedding evening off to a great start. Thanks Elma we hope we did you proud!!
Kind regards, KarenKaren and Stevens renewal vows exit dance on 7 December 2013
First Dance
Thank you so much for all your help and patience in teaching us our exit dance for our renewal of vows ceremony.You made us feel instantly at ease and made the whole experience fun. For a couple with left feet you did a fab job. We thoroughly enjoyed performing in front of our family and friends on our big day. We are looking forward to seeing you again and learning some more new steps.
Kind Regards, Karen and Steven
Line Dancing Social Weekend
Line Dance
Hi Elma - Just to say how much I enjoyed my first line dancing social week-end - and of course, so did my sister! She also asked me to pass on her thanks to you, Jackie and the 'girls! for making her feel so very welcome. It was a great week-end - thank you!
Jive Classes 2013
Jive Classes
I really enjoyed our Jive classes at the Holburn bar. They were fun and educational . Our granddaughter also loved them and can now jive with her Granda when we are all out together. Can't wait until January 2014 until you start your next block of dances. I am hoping it is the Waltz and the Cha Cha. Thank you again Elma,
Charles and Irene.2013 Our Golden Wedding Waltz
First Dance
Just want to say thank you for teaching us to Waltz for our golden wedding. You were very patient as neither of could waltz , but by the time the day came everyone was amazed. Thank you once again , we would recommend you to
any one if they want to learn to dance for something special.
Mary and Ernie LeiperJive Classes
Jive Classes
Thanks a lot for your jive classes.
It started like as the challenge for me as I never danced jive before but then become a great fun! Thanks a lot for your help in teaching us, you were very positive and yet hard-driving, you shared your love to dances with us and now I am confident I want to continue classes with you.
If you have jive classes please let me know I am definitely in. Your energy, glint in your eyes and passiveness are definitely from the life style you have: dances, music and very enjoyable exercises.
Thanks again. Your friend Gulvira
Carmelite Bar and Grill, Aberdeen
We have been using Elma & the team for various events we host over the past 18 months. Our 1920’s Prohibition Christmas Parties were a huge success with the dancers just adding that little extra to our evening. Elma was great at getting the audience to participate and we are already coming up with some ideas for this year’s theme!
Elaine Beyaz Accounts & Administration Manager
Amy & Stephen, Married 27 Sept 2013
First Dance
In that short space of time we had, you were able to teach us a few core steps to which we can use in our 1st dance together. Stephen and myself are not dancers but we feel confident with a lot of practice this week we will be able to pull something off. One lesson was really beneficial, because the steps you gave us will enable us to use the whole dance floor and we will definitely not be swaying back and forward! We would highly recommend you our friends and family who are looking for dance lessons, you put us both at ease from the very start. Thank you so much, just wish we had more time with yourself but due to work commitments meant hard to meet.
Amy and Stephen and OlaAlasdair and Zara, Married September 2013
First Dance
Elma - We nailed it! It was the best version we had done, everyone loved it. We enjoyed doing it so much on the day, we weren't apprehensive in the slightest, it was a beautiful and well thought out routine. We will send the video over to you ASAP. Thank you.
Gavin and Ola, Married August 2013
First Dance
We had a great day and enjoyed every minute. Our first dance amazed our guests and we receive so many compliments! Thank you so much for your teaching, patience and great ideas, we really couldn’t have done it without you. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to anyone and in fact already have, if you can teach me to dance anything is possible ;-)
Thank you so much. Gavin and OlaKaren & Chris, Married 29th September 2012
First Dance
Just wanted to say thank you so much for all the help you have given Chris and I towards our first dance! We managed it on Saturday night in front of over 200! Everyone got a shock and loved it! We enjoyed it too and I even managed it in my big dress.
A few people asked if we had lessons and I told them all about you.
Thank you so much once again, you are fantastic! Karen & Chris
Married 07 July 2012, Stavanger Norway
First Dance
I would like to say a big thank you from myself and Gunn Odny for helping us have a wonderful First Dance experience. We really appreciate your help and most of all your patience. Neither of us had any clue how to perform a formal dance in front of 90 guests but after a couple of lessons with you we managed to pull it off without any noticeable slip ups. It was an amazing experience and we would recommend Elma to anyone who needs help with their first dance.
Regards, Scott WalkerLindsey & Graeme
First Dance
Hello Elma. Just wanted to say a big thank you for your patience and hard work in teaching us our first dance. We loved having a dance routine and even managed it with no mistakes-which was a first!! Still can't believe Graeme let me choose a Westlife song!! We had an amazing wedding day. Thank you again,
Lots of love Lindsey and Graeme xxFrances Hen Party
Hen Party
I have attached a few photos of the class you took for my sister Frances' Hen Night. We had a fantastic time and really enjoyed the lesson, we even practiced "Red Solo Cup" and did it again at her wedding!
Gordon & Nadia’s wedding 17th March 2012
First Dance
Nadia and I would both like to thank you very much for all your efforts in the run up to wedding and on the day itself. I was very stressed out about learning a choreographed First Dance. However you made it fun and were always supportive and encouraging to us. As for the evening of the wedding itself you managed that with consummate ease; coaching everyone and getting people dancing with just the right balance of warmth and order! In fact I would say that the most successful part of the evening, based on the comments that I have received, was your section which had just the right mix of ballroom, Scottish and North African dancing. Great to see my 95 year old father and slightly younger mother still able to show us relative youngsters a thing or two!
Best wishes from Mr & Mrs Angus!
Scott & Heather
First Dance
Quick e-mail with a big thank you from Heather and I for all of your assistance in teaching us our first wedding dance. As you can imagine we got a tremendous reception from everyone watching, they all fell for the Ronan Keating “When you say nothing at all” beginning, lots of shouts from my mates for being a big girls blouse and from Heathers mates for picking such a soppy song, but when the Kings of Leon “Sex on fire” kicked in the place went absolutely nuts!!! We both totally enjoyed ourselves throughout and the dance only added to what was a brilliant day!
Scott & Heather
David and Sarah-Jane Shewan, 2011
First Dance
Just wanted to say a big thank you for the dance lessons you gave us for our first dance at our wedding.When we first came to you we were really nervous and thought we'd never be able to dance but after that first lesson we really enjoyed it and couldn't wait to come back!! The dance went really well and we remembered it all!!! We have attached some pictures of the dance for you. Thanks again,
David and Sarah-Jane ShewanMorag and Greg, Married 27th August 2011
First Dance
Elma Robertson was able to tailor our first dance to suit our taste in music, dance capability and sense of humour. We got on well with Elma from the moment we spoke to her and she worked with us to create a unique first dance. All our guests appreciated the time and effort we put in to make the dance worth watching - and dancing! Thanks again to Elma for her time and creativity.
Hayley & Euan, Married September 2010
First Dance
I just wanted to send you a quick mail to say thank you very much for teaching us to Dance! Our first dance was fabulous, everyone got a real shock that we where spinning around the dance floor not just swaying from side to side! I'm not going to lie, I did make a wee mistake but no one could see my feet so it was ok!! As usual, Euan managed perfectly.
Thanks again Elma, we had great fun and you made learning the dance really easy. I have attached a picture so you can see our day!
Thank you, Hayley and Euan xRay & Karen, Married Sept 2010
First Dance
Myself and Karen would like to thank you for what you have done for us this year with the social dance lessons then first dance for our recent wedding on the 5th of sept 2010 at the Norwood Hall although I am still mortified that the only persons feet I stood on all night would have to be you any one else would have been acceptable.
You have a great relaxed manner thats helps individuals like my self and Karen want to continue learning and where I wasn't so confident to dance before i am a lot less concerned and now understand that having the basic understanding of the dances and etiquette can be a lot more fun than sitting watching others although iv a lot to learn.
i could not get a testimonial loaded on your site but please use what you wish from this email and realize what you have done for us not just for the wedding but for the added confidence and enjoyment we will have in the future due to your assistance .
Heading to Vegas on Thursday but keep us informed for your next re run of dance lessons
bye for now Ray & Karen
Sabrina & Marc, Married July 2009
First Dance
Hope you are well.
I have meant to send you this email for a while now but the last few months have been very busy and time has just flown by.
I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work in helping us learn our first dance. We really enjoyed it. We had a truly fabulous wedding day (everything I ever dreamed of) and actually did OK on our first dance, although the fact that our DJ had a different version of the song did put us off a little at the start.
I am sending you a couple of pictures of the Big Day.
All the best, Sabrina and MarcKim & Mark, Married June 2009
First Dance
I'm glad to report the wedding and the dance both went really well! We both had a fantastic time and the day went without a glitch! I've attached a couple of photos for you to see... I think he only stood on my dress once during the dance!
Thanks for you help in the lead up to the big day, and please let us know if you're going to be having another class later this year.
KimHazel & Rhys, Married May 2009
First Dance
The dance was very well received! We got a big cheer from everyone – well worth all the hard work. I think our friends were truly shocked that we knew how to dance as we’d kept it all a secret. We had a slight glitch near the start but managed to keep going and no-one even noticed. And we nailed the ending, too! The dance flew past and couldn’t believe it when we were on last few steps – didn’t want it to end despite being a little nervous before we started. And you were right, despite specific instructions to the band they still played the CD too early!
Hazel x
We haven’t got our DVD yet but will be sure to pass you a copy when we do get it. Thanks so much for all your help, we had a lot of fun.
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